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Blog: Open Intervals


Free to Create - Feast Day of St. Cecilia

In her audio program "Seeing in the Dark: Myths and Stories to Reclaim the Buried, Knowing Woman" Jungian psychoanalyst and cantadora (keeper of the stories) Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes reminds us that as artists, we shall not criticize, not judge, not break down others for their creativity--because so many of us are imprisoned, are unable to create, are not allowed to create. From a prison cell in another country to our own downtrodden neighborhoods, to people imprisoned in themselves.

We have a…

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Applause: Ballet!

Sit back and enjoy! This video speaks for itself.



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We Need a Revolution

Are you ever disappointed to hear a band live in concert, only to realize they are really a “studio band” because they don’t sound very good live?

When was the last time you spent an entire afternoon listening to new music on the radio?

How many times have you heard someone speak about classical music and were totally turned off?


 There are too many singers who are making a career out of auto-tune. If you can't sing that well, either get voice lessons, find a coach, or play a different i…

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Fill Up With Music - 5 Ways

If you're busy creating music, re-creating someone else's music, editing someone else's music, or recording someone else's music, you're creating a lot of musical output and it's vital that you have some musical input. Here are 5 easy ways to fill up on music:

1. Pandora - Create a channel, listen to someone else's channel, and listen to your favorite music for FREE. Get more than 40 hours a month by paying their low, yearly fee. You can mix as many artists as you like; my main channel includes …

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